Sundarban maintains a dedicated Call Center number of (09610003003,16214) as a single point of access
number for addressing complaints, queries, and handling any form of information passing. This has been specifically
done to facilitate and cater to the clients so that they are able to avail the necessary answers. This has also been
developed to serve at a national level so that anyone is able to raise their respective query and complaint. The Call
Centre is an ever growing service and it subject to further expansion in terms of headcounts. This service is
operational from 7 AM to 11 PM.
Sundarban also maintains a dedicated Facebook group:(Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Limited) as a single point of access
number for addressing complaints, queries, and handling any form of information passing. This has been specifically
done to facilitate and cater to the clients so that they are able to avail the necessary answers. This has also been
developed to serve at a national level so that anyone is able to raise their respective query and complaint. The Call
Centre is an ever-growing service and it subject to further expansion in terms of headcounts. This service is
operational from 7 AM to 11 PM.